Characters and Attractions Update #5: Welcomed Tony, Jock, Abuelita, Hector Riveran & 2 New Attractions

I welcomed Tony and leveled him up. I also attained new and leveled up some other characters, got some new attractions, and am currently leveling up two characters.

Here is welcoming Tony and leveling him up to level 2.

I also leveled up Trusty and Tramp.

After welcoming and leveling up Tony I was able to get Jock. 

The Coco Legendary Chest was available and I was able to get the two missing characters so now the collections are complete. I was also able to get the last Coco attraction as well. 

I was able to level up Louie to level 5 and both Scrooge and Dewie are working on level 6. 

Buzzztube has reached the 1st enchantment. I can now get Yesss's Wristband.  

I was able to purchase the Enchanted Tiki Room from buildings and got the Musical Celebration from the Coco Legendary Chest. They are both in storage waiting for more land to become available.


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