On day 10 of the Highland Games, the Ruins were built and Lord Macintosh, Queen Elinor, and King Fergus completed quests. Some main storyline characters finished some side quests. Quest Complete! Wooden, You Know It? Queen Elinor finished this quest. Queen Elinor and Lord MacGuffin need to complete this quest. So far 3 of 12 "Faerie Assassins" taken care of, there is a 6 hour respawn time. Lord Macintosh is now level 2. I can now build the Ruins of the Ancient Kingdom. The Ruins of the Ancient Kingdom is built. Here are the Ruins of the Ancient Kingdom. There are now 7 completed Event Goals. Quest Completed! It Bears Retelling. King Fergus finished this quest. Captain Barbosa is now level 7. He now has a side quest to finish with Jack Sparrow. Lightfoot House has reached the 1st enchantment. I can now get Dad's Socks to help with leveling him up. Blazey now has a side quest to complete. Quest Complete! Crossed Swords. Captain Barbosa and Jack Sp...
Today the Big Hero 6 Legendary Chest was available and I was able to complete it. I got the last attraction and Baymax's Armor. Yay, so happy to finish this one.
The DMK Facebook Livestream Information is shown below. The update will be available on June 1st. It will be an underwater Tower Challenge to get a new Finding Nemo/Dory character along with another premium character and three concessions. The first character that will be coming into the Kingdom via a Tower challenge is Bailey from Finding Dory. The second character that will be coming into the Kingdom will be a premium character. Destiny will be available for gems or through a Bundle. The Bundle will have a percentage go toward a charity to help with ocean life. This first concession will be a milestone reward during one of the chapters of the Tower Challenge. It is the Turtle Backpack Concession. The second concession will be a free gift on June 8th for all players. It is the Anemone Hat Concession. They are also adding in a Cruella Hat Stand because of the recent movie. Not sure yet how I will be able to get this one. The 1st chapter of...
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