
Showing posts from September, 2020

Characters and Attractions Update #6

 I was able to level up all current Jungle Book characters. Joe from the Lady and the Tramp is available to welcome and I needed to level up some of the Jungle Book characters to level 6 to help out. The other leveling that would be helpful would be if I leveled up Sulley to level 10. Sulley is currently at level 8 so I would need to level him up 2 more times for him to be able to help out.  Now that the Jungle Book characters are all level 6. I can use some of them to help with Joe. Sulley is leveling up to level 9. Also, I got some enchantment tokens so I am leveling up two attractions. I am leveling up Niceland and Finklestine Tower.

Characters Only Update #6: DMK Update #44 Instagram Posts

The characters that I was able to update are listed below. Dewey and Scrooge are now both at level 7.  Jock is now at level 2.  Kronk is now at level 3. I am currently leveling King Louie and Baloo. I seem to keep leveling up characters instead of progressing the storyline. Although, these leveling ups are to help with welcoming Joe into the Kingdom. In addition, to further the Jungle Book storyline I really need to add more land to the Kingdom to progress to welcoming Shere Khan.  The next game update is looking like it is going to be Lock, Shock, and Barrel from The Nightmare Before Christmas movie. The clues are mini videos from Instagram.    These three screenshots are from DMK's Instagram page, go and check it out. 

Characters and Attractions Update #5: Welcomed Tony, Jock, Abuelita, Hector Riveran & 2 New Attractions

I welcomed Tony and leveled him up. I also attained new and leveled up some other characters, got some new attractions, and am currently leveling up two characters. Here is welcoming Tony and leveling him up to level 2. I also leveled up Trusty and Tramp. After welcoming and leveling up Tony I was able to get Jock.  The Coco Legendary Chest was available and I was able to get the two missing characters so now the collections are complete. I was also able to get the last Coco attraction as well.  I was able to level up Louie to level 5 and both Scrooge and Dewie are working on level 6.  Buzzztube has reached the 1st enchantment. I can now get Yesss's Wristband.   I was able to purchase the Enchanted Tiki Room from buildings and got the Musical Celebration from the Coco Legendary Chest. They are both in storage waiting for more land to become available.

Characters and Attractions Update #4: Welcomed Jumba & Syndrome

 Over the last couple of days, I was able to get Rex leveled up to 10 and three attractions leveled up. I was able to get both Syndrome and Jumba from some Legendary Chests. I also leveled up Sally and Zero, and am currently welcoming Tony.  Yay, another character at level 10! Lilo & Stitch The Incredibles Two new characters. One from Lilo & Stitch, the other from The Incredibles. Now both collections are complete.  Zero and Sally are leveled up to level 3 working on getting one up to level 4 and the other to level 5 to help with the tokens for the Mayor to level up.  Also working on welcoming Tony, who is currently about 10 hours from being welcomed. Space Traders has reached the 3rd enchantment. It can now produce the Spinning Wheel token for the Sleeping Beauty collection to level up.  Rapunzel's Tower has reached the 2nd enchantment. It can now produce Flynn Ears.  Toy Story Mania has reached the 1st enchantment. It can now produce the Virus Tra...

Characters and Attractions Update #3: Striking Gold Results

The characters that I was able to be level up since the last post are listed. Both Celia Mae and Roz were able to be leveled up to level 8.  Mowgli, Bagheera, and Baloo were all leveled up to level 5.  Currently, I am leveling up Rex to level 10. Once that is completed I will have 39 characters at their max level. I have two other characters at level 9 that could be leveled up. Also, Tony is ready to be welcomed once I get the magic needed for it.  The Davy Jones's Organ Attraction was also purchased and added to the Kingdom in the Adventureland Zone.  The Aladdin attraction was placed in storage with other attractions in storage.  I am going to try to save magic to get the last plot of land in Tomorrowland and the newest plot of land available in Frontierland, which just became available in my Kingdom Storyline. As well as The Pirates of the Caribbean attraction.  The Striking Gold Event was completed today and I was able to maintain the top 3. I finished ...

Characters and Attractions Update #2: Moana LC Completed - Tamatoa's Lair

The characters that were leveled up over the last couple of days are Captain Barbosa, Tia Dalma, Davy Jones, Jack Sparrow, Trusty, and Boo.  The above Pirates of the Caribbean collection were all leveled up. I am still working on attaining the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction to complete that storyline. The two characters that were not leveled up in this group are already at level 10, which is the maximum level.  Trusty was able to be leveled up because he had all of his requirements ready before Tony was available to start working on getting. Tramp still needs one token and hopefully will get it soon.  Boo was the only one at her level so I wanted to get her equal to the other Monsters, Inc. characters before I started leveling them up again. Currently, Celia Mae is leveling up to level 8. The new attraction is Kaa's Jungle Gym which should take 24 hours to complete.  The Lion King attraction that was placed into Storage was The Circle of Life attraction. The Moa...